Essential Oil Doctors can assist with many services including:


Acupuncture/Chinese medicine is a comprehensive healing system that views the distribution of energy/chi and it’s function in body as a whole.   The chi travels along pathways in the body called meridians and focalized areas along the meridians called points are where the flow of chi can be influenced by the insertion of fine needles.  Theory is based on the philosophy of strengthening the chi if it is insufficient, dissipating the chi if it is excess and moving the chi if it is stagnant.

Looking at acupuncture from a western medicine perspective:

    1. Influences the immune system by raising the white blood counts and overall anti-body levels.
    2. Effects the blood circulation and healing of tissue.
    3. Decrease pain impulses in nerve fibers.
    4. Stimulates the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters (like seratonin
      and noradrenaline), producing a feeling of relaxation and well being.)  This
      can also be looked at as a shift from sympathetic dominance (fight/flight)
      to parasympathetic dominance (rest and healing) creating homeostasis.


AromaTouch Technique

Clinical Application of Essential Oils

Clinical Application of Essential Oils is the scientific application of essential oils to specific energy zones, meridian systems and visceral contact points in the body.  The application of the oils creates a balance in the autonomic nervous system by taking the body out of sympathetic dominance (fight/flight syndrome) and putting the body into parasympathetic dominance (rest and healing).  Oils are applied for stress management, immune support, inflammatory response, and homeostasis.


Essential Oil Consult

Find out what essential oils would be best for you in relationship to a Chinese medicine paradigm of diagnostics.


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